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Why Do Babies Wear Mittens

When it comes to baby care, parents often find themselves inundated with questions and choices. One common practice that many parents adopt is putting mittens on their newborns' tiny hands. But why do babies wear mittens? Is it just a fashion statement or does it serve a practical purpose? In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this age-old tradition and the benefits it offers to both babies and parents.

Preventing Scratches

One of the primary reasons parents put mittens on their babies is to prevent them from scratching themselves. Newborns often have sharp, tiny fingernails that grow quickly, and they have limited control over their hand movements. As a result, they may inadvertently scratch their face, eyes, or other sensitive areas. Mittens act as a protective barrier, reducing the likelihood of accidental scratches, which can cause discomfort, irritation, and even infections.

Temperature Regulation

Babies are not as adept at regulating their body temperature as adults. Their small bodies have a harder time maintaining a constant temperature, and they can easily become too cold or too hot. Mittens can help in temperature regulation by keeping a baby's hands warm in cooler environments. This is especially important in the first few months when a baby's circulatory system is still developing, and they might struggle to keep their extremities warm.


Some babies have a natural tendency to suck on their fingers or thumbs as a way of self-soothing. Mittens can provide a safe alternative for babies to suck on, which can be especially helpful if parents want to discourage thumb-sucking or if a baby has sensitive skin that could be irritated by saliva.

Preventing Infections

Newborns have a fragile immune system, and their hands can easily pick up dirt and germs. Putting mittens on a baby's hands helps reduce the risk of infection, especially in situations where a baby might touch surfaces that aren't clean. It's essential to ensure that the mittens are clean as well to avoid trapping harmful bacteria inside.

Eczema and Skin Sensitivity

Some babies may have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema, which can cause itching and discomfort. Mittens can be helpful in preventing babies from scratching and exacerbating skin issues. However, it's crucial to use soft, breathable mittens made of natural materials to minimize the risk of skin irritation.

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Cosiness and Comfort

Cosiness and comfort are essential aspects of a baby's well-being, and they play a crucial role in promoting a sense of security and contentment in infants. Creating a cosy and comfortable environment for your baby is not only comforting but also contributes to their overall development and emotional well-being. Here's a closer look at the importance of cosiness and comfort for babies:

Mimicking the Womb: Babies spend nine months in the womb, an environment that is warm, snug, and secure. When they are born, transitioning to the outside world can be overwhelming. Creating a cosy and comfortable sleep space for your baby can help mimic the feeling of the womb, making them feel safe and secure.

Better Sleep: A cosy sleep environment can greatly improve the quality of your baby's sleep. Babies who sleep comfortably are more likely to sleep for longer periods and wake up less frequently during the night. Adequate sleep is essential for a baby's growth, development, and overall mood.

Emotional Well-Being: Feeling cosy and comfortable can have a positive impact on a baby's emotional well-being. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing them to relax and feel more at ease. When babies feel comfortable, they are more likely to be content and less fussy.

Bonding: Creating a cosy environment for your baby is an excellent opportunity for bonding. Feeding, cuddling, and soothing your baby in a warm and comfortable setting can strengthen the parent-child bond. It promotes trust and security, as your baby associates your presence with comfort and care.

Temperature Regulation: Babies are not as effective as adults in regulating their body temperature. A cosy environment helps keep them warm and comfortable, preventing them from becoming too cold or too hot. Ensure that the room temperature is suitable and dress your baby appropriately to maintain their comfort.

Sensory Stimulation: Babies rely heavily on their sensory experiences to learn about the world around them. A cosy environment with soft textures, soothing colors, and gentle lighting can provide positive sensory stimulation. Soft blankets, plush toys, and soothing mobiles can all contribute to a cosy and stimulating space.

Self-Soothing: Babies often find comfort in soft items like blankets or stuffed animals. These items can be used as comfort objects that help babies self-soothe and ease themselves to sleep or calmness when they are upset.

Routine and Predictability: Creating a cosy and comfortable routine for your baby can provide a sense of predictability and security. Babies thrive on routines, and knowing what to expect can make them feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings.

Reducing Startle Reflex

Reducing the startle reflex in newborns is a significant concern for many parents, as it can disrupt a baby's sleep patterns and overall comfort. The startle reflex, also known as the Moro reflex, is a primitive reflex that occurs in newborns and infants. It is a natural response to a sudden sensation of falling or a loud noise, and it involves the baby extending their arms, arching their back, and often crying.

Here are some ways in which parents can help reduce the impact of the startle reflex:

Swaddling: Swaddling is a traditional practice that involves wrapping a baby snugly in a blanket or cloth. This can help restrict the movement of the baby's limbs, reducing the intensity of the startle reflex. However, it's essential to swaddle correctly to ensure that the baby's hips have enough room to move and develop naturally. Many swaddle blankets with Velcro or zipper closures are available for safe and easy swaddling.

Baby Sleep Sacks: Sleep sacks are designed to provide a cozy, secure feeling for the baby while allowing their arms to be free inside the sack. This gives the baby a sense of security without completely immobilizing their limbs, making it easier for them to self-soothe and sleep comfortably.

Use of Weighted Blankets: Some parents find that using weighted blankets designed for babies can help reduce the startle reflex. These blankets provide gentle pressure on the baby's body, which can have a calming effect and lessen the intensity of the reflex.

Gradual Transition: As your baby grows and their startle reflex begins to fade, you can gradually transition them out of swaddling or sleep sacks. This allows them to have more freedom of movement while still benefiting from a sense of security.

White Noise and Gentle Sounds: Soft, rhythmic sounds, such as white noise machines, womb sounds, or lullabies, can help soothe a baby and reduce the likelihood of them startling awake due to sudden noises.

Gentle Handling: When picking up or laying down your baby, do so slowly and gently to avoid triggering the startle reflex. Minimizing sudden movements can help keep your baby calm.

Create a Calm Sleep Environment: Ensure that your baby's sleep environment is conducive to restful sleep. Maintain a comfortable room temperature, dim the lights, and establish a consistent bedtime routine to signal that it's time for sleep.


In conclusion, the practice of putting mittens on babies serves several practical purposes. It helps prevent accidental scratches, regulates temperature, aids in self-soothing, reduces the risk of infections, and provides comfort. However, it's important for parents to use mittens safely and responsibly. Ensure that the mittens fit well, are made from soft and breathable materials, and are clean to avoid any potential hazards or discomfort for your baby. Ultimately, the decision to use mittens should be based on your baby's individual needs and comfort, and it's always a good idea to consult with a pediatrician for guidance on baby care practices.

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